STCU News and Announcements
STCU 20th Anniversary Celebration
290/49606 Apr 2016 - 08 Apr 2016
In honor of 20 years of working towards a safer and better world, the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) held a 20th Anniversary celebratory event in the Great Hall of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Volodymyrska Street 55), on Wednesday, 6 April 2016. This celebration was held in conjunction with the 42nd meeting of the STCU Governing Board, which included senior officials from the European Union, Ukraine, the United States, as well as officials from Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Moldova.
The STCU was the first intergovernmental organization in Ukraine and was established by an Agreement signed on 25 October 1993, by the four Founding Parties: Canada, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United States of America. The Agreement came into force on 4 May 1994, when Ukrainian President Kravchuk issued a decree accepting the STCU Agreement. The STCU began its first organizational steps, and became fully operational when it held its first Governing Board meeting on 14-15 December 1995.
Later, the European Union acceded to the STCU Agreement on 26 November 1998, replacing Sweden as a Party to the STCU Agreement. Over the years, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Uzbekistan joined STCU as Parties. On November 6, 2013, Canada withdrew from the STCU Agreement. Today, the STCU is headquartered in Kyiv and has regional offices in Baku, Chisinau, and Tbilisi, as well as in Kharkiv. Japan has also participated as a special sponsor of STCU projects.
The STCU was created to deter the spread of weapons-of-mass-destruction (WMD) knowledge by assisting former WMD experts in their transition to self-supporting, peaceful activities in the international science and business communities. In 2013, the STCU reshaped its vision to the following: To advance global peace and prosperity through cooperative Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) risk mitigation by supporting civilian science and technology partnerships and collaboration that address global security threats and advance non-proliferation.
Since the first STCU Governing Board meeting in 1995, STCU has sponsored over 1,700 cooperative science research projects amounting to over $270 million (USD equivalent) in research grant funding to Ukrainian, Azeri, Georgian, Moldovan, and Uzbek scientists. STCU has engaged nearly 21,000 scientists, of which approximately 12,000 were former weapon scientists during the Soviet era.
Since 1995, STCU has awarded the following amounts of project funding:
Azerbaijan = $7.0M (USD equivalent)
Georgia = $16.6M (USD equivalent)
Moldova = $3.2M (USD equivalent)
Ukraine = $230.7M (USD equivalent)
Uzbekistan = $16.5M (USD equivalent)
Total Project Funding = $274.0M (USD equivalent)
STCU has also connected Ukrainian, Azeri, Georgian, Moldovan, and Uzbek scientists and institutes to a wide variety of governmental- and non-governmental/commercial partners, including many American, Canadian, and European businesses. As of today, STCU has managed over $124 million (USD equivalent) in R&D projects sponsored by these external partners. STCU has also provided assistance to scientists and institutes in forming professional contacts with leading American, Canadian, and European scientific experts, and providing training and other experience-building activities in areas such as patents, strategic planning, business management, and beneficial technology transfer and commercialization.
Since 1995, the total project funding contribution from STCU Funding Parties and other donors has been as follows:
Canadian Government = $10.0 million (USD)
European Commission = 49.5 million (Euros)
Other European Government organizations = $7.8 million (USD equivalent)
Japanese Government = $1.04 million (USD)
Swedish Government = $1.67 million (USD)
U.S. Government = $144.5 million (USD)
All non-governmental and private sector partners = $47.0 million (USD).
STCU Contact Point: Olga Panchenko, +380-44-490-7150
STCU 20th Anniversary greetings from ANAS
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