STCU News and Announcements
The STCU and France Incubation Sign Agreement
30/49423 Mar 2004
On March 23, 2004 a signing ceremony for an agreement between the STCU and France Incubation took place at the STCU Secretariat. The agreement was signed by Philippe Ehret, Vice President of France Incubation and by Yves Carmel, STCU Executive Director. The event was attended by H. E. Mr. Philippe de Suremain, Ambassador of France to Ukraine. The objective of the agreement is to define the intention of the parties to collaborate in the following directions:
1. transfer France Incubation expertise to Ukrainian entities and incubators;
2. support the establishment of contacts, exchanges and collaboration between innovation enterprises in France and scientific groups in Ukraine.
Apart from this initiative the STCU presented a letter of adherence to L’Association France – Ukraine sur l’Innovation et les Transferts (AFU-I&T) founded under the auspices of the French Embassy in Ukraine which will permit the STCU to receive broader access to French enterprises.
Within the framework of the visit, the delegation visited various Ukrainian institutions and technoparcs which included the Paton Technopark, Institute of Metalophysics, ICEBT (International Center for Electron Beam Technologies), K+S Company, and the Institute of Material Sciences. During these bilateral meetings, as well as during the round table discussion organized by the STCU, the parties established working contacts and defined common interests to be further developed through the STCU programs.