Thursday, 13 March 2025

STCU News and Announcements

Report on the Visit of the Delegation from the Ministry of Economy, Finances and Industry of France to the STCU

12 Sep 2003

On September 4, 2003 the STCU welcomed a delegation from the Ministry of Economy, Finances and Industry of France which included Mr. Alain Miermont, Russia, NIS, Balkans Department, Mr. Wilfrid Challemel du Rozier, Head of the Innovation Office, and Mr. Francois Lefevre, Professor, Commission on Valorisation of Nantes University. The visit was organised by the Embassy of France in Ukraine with the participation of the STCU.

Among other events that took place within the framework of the visit, the STCU itself hosted two meetings. One – which included STCU Executive Director Yves Carmel, Borys Atamanenko, Senior Deputy Executive Director, and Lyubov Taranenko, GP Manager. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the role of the STCU in the process of bilateral Franco-Ukrainian cooperation and namely establishment of a working group in charge of bilateral science and technology relations. The group is to accumulate information on the latest R&D developments of Ukrainian scientists as well as information on the market needs of France. It is hoped that this working group shall contribute to the application of market oriented innovations developed in Ukrainian science and technology institutions.

A second meeting held at the STCU premises included representatives of two Ukrainian Technoparks - the Paton Electric Welding Institute, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the Centre for the Development of Innovations. The Paton Welding Institute was represented by Leonid Lobanov, Deputy Director; Georgiy Marynskiy, Vice President of the Paton Technopark, and other representatives. The Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was represented by Sergiy Voronov, Deputy Rector for Scientific Research, Mykola Korzh, Deputy Rector and other staff. The issue of creating a working group was also raised during this meeting. All of the parties expressed their willingness to contribute to the process of establishing such a group.

The STCU also assisted in organizing site visits to certain STCU projects which included: Melta Ltd., which is a subsidiary of the Institute of Metal Physics where the French delegation were shown a process of producing nanocrystalline tape wound cores with magnetic characteristics having high heat-time stability. Another visit was held at the Paton Electric Welding Institute, which has a partner project entitled “Development and Delivery of a Large Size Electron Beam Welding Machine” with K+S Services, a USA company.

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