STCU News and Announcements
P88 Regional Technical Working Group Promotes Preparedness and Collaboration in Emergency Medicine
391/49622 May 2023 - 24 May 2023

The recently concluded P88 Regional Technical Working Group meeting, held from May 22 to May 24, 2023, in Tirana, Albania, brought together chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) emergency medicine experts to discuss and strategize the next steps aimed at enhancing regional Medical Emergency Preparedness and Response for CBRN incidents. The event was organized by the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) with financial support provided by the European Commission within the P88 EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Risk Mitigation Initiative (CoE) project.
The event gathered representatives from The Republic of Albania, The Republic of Armenia, The Republic of Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, The Republic of North Macedonia, The Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, and Ukraine. This diverse group of countries demonstrated their commitment to collaborating on CBRN emergency medicine and strengthening their collective response capabilities.
The P88 review of progress to date was a central topic of discussion during the meeting. Participants delved into the milestones achieved thus far and identified areas that required further attention to ensure the successful implementation of the Project. The collaborative efforts among member countries were acknowledged, as they shared best practices and knowledge to strengthen their respective CBRN emergency medicine response capabilities.
A significant focus of the meeting was on the organization and logistics support for the program of national training courses and the equipment to be delivered in each of the participating countries. Managers, para-medical personnel, and medical personnel were highlighted as key target groups for multi-profession training in CBRN emergency response. By enhancing their skills and knowledge, these professionals will play a crucial role in managing CBRN incidents effectively, thereby safeguarding public health and safety.
Another noteworthy agenda item was the concept, organization & logistics support for the regional field and hospital CBRN Emergency Medicine Exercises. The participants recognized the importance of hands-on exercises to simulate real-life emergency scenarios, allowing medical personnel to sharpen their response skills and coordination abilities. Such exercises contribute significantly to the preparedness and resilience of healthcare systems in the face of potential CBRN incidents.
Furthermore, the participants engaged in discussions concerning the concept, organization & logistics support for the Regional Mass-Casualty Table-Top Exercise on CBRN Emergency Medicine. The aim of this exercise is to test the coordination and response mechanisms in the event of mass-casualty incidents involving CBRN substances. Through scenario-based simulations and tabletop exercises, government decision-makers will identify areas for improvement and strengthen their capacity to handle large-scale emergencies.
The meeting also served as an opportunity to review the detailed project work plan for the remainder of the Project, including Training Courses and Exercises. The participants shared insights and expertise, refining the roadmap for upcoming activities. By aligning their efforts and establishing a cohesive plan, the participating countries will enhance their ability to respond to CBRN emergencies effectively.
The P88 Regional Technical Working Group meeting underscored the importance of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and training in the field of CBRN emergency medicine. By fostering regional cooperation and adopting comprehensive preparedness strategies, member countries can better protect their populations from the potential risks associated with CBRN incidents.
As the event concluded, participants expressed their commitment to advancing the P88 project's goals and ensuring that healthcare systems across the region are well-prepared to respond to any CBRN emergency that may arise. The outcomes of this meeting lay a solid foundation for enhanced emergency response capabilities, paving the way for a safer and more secure future for all.