Thursday, 13 March 2025

STCU News and Announcements

Summer School on Nuclear Forensics Science for GUAM Countries

09 Sep 2019 - 13 Sep 2019

Summer School on Nuclear Forensics Science for GUAM Countries
Summer School on Nuclear Forensics Science for GUAM Countries
September 9– 13, 2019; Kyiv, Ukraine

The Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) jointly with Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research (KINR) hosted a seminar entitled “Summer School on Nuclear Forensics Science for GUAM Countries” on September 9th-13th at the George Kuzmycz Training Center in Kyiv, Ukraine. This seminar was held under an STCU Targeted Initiative on Nuclear Forensics funded by the European Union and the United States Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (U.S. DOE/NNSA). The summer school was a regional event, attended by 21 students selected from Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova. The objectives of the summer school included:
• Raising awareness of the field of nuclear forensics among students of physics, chemistry or other scientific disciplines
• Communicating the principles of conducting a nuclear forensic investigation
• Teaching the scientific fundamentals (including elements of radiochemistry, nuclear physics, and instrumental analysis)
• Providing examples of real seizures of material out of regulatory control and its examination

The agenda was jointly developed under the leadership of KINR by experts from GUAM countries together with international experts from the European Commission Joint Research Centre and from the U.S. DOE/NNSA Office of Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence. Instructors used a variety of didactical approaches to deliver scientific contents. A combination of lectures, table-top exercises, interactive elements, technical visits, demonstrations and hands-on exercises resulted in a comprehensive learning programme delivered over the course of a week. The Summer School benefitted from the training facilities as well as from the equipment (hand-held devices for detection, localization and initial identification of material; laboratory instruments for characterization of seized samples; infrastructure for handling nuclear and other radioactive materials) available at KINR.
Summer School on Nuclear Forensics Science for GUAM Countries
For more information, please contact Elena Taberko, tel.: +38044 490 71 50; email: [email protected]
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Contact Person: Elena Taberko

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