STCU News and Announcements
Ukraine joins Clean Sky 2 programme with engine-oriented AMBEC project
320/49624 May 2018 - 25 May 2018

With a long-term aim to validate more radical engine architectures Safran is working on Ultra High Propulsive Efficiency (UHPE) demonstrator addressing short / medium range passenger aircraft in the frame of Engine ITD. UHPE demonstrator represents an Ultra High Bypass Ratio turbofan engine with a bypass ratio within the range 15-20 and completely new low pressure spool. To guarantee compact engine design and targeted performances of propulsion system, the low pressure spool bearings have to be integrated into compact bearing chambers in a hot environment, while heat rejection has to be reduced.
This challenge will be tackled in the frame of AMBEC project by a pure Ukrainian consortium, which joins Ivchenko-Progress SE and Motor Sich JSC, Ukrainian industrial leaders in development and serial production of aviation and industrial GTEs, and National Aerospace University “KhAI”, leading Ukrainian engineering university, under the administrative supervision of Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine (STCU).
The goal of AMBEC project is to achieve a complete understanding of physical phenomena in the bearing chamber in hot environment and to create a methodology able to determine precisely thermal and fluid flows in the bearing chamber depending on engine operation parameters. To achieve this goal, project team will combine an advanced CFD simulation and in-depth experimental studies of heat exchange processes between air, oil drops, non-uniform oil film and bearing chamber walls in multiphase ever-changing environment.
“To make AMBEC methodology an efficient instrument for industrial design of compact bearing chamber in hot environment we will focus on its versatility, accuracy and user-friendliness” explains Dr. Taras Mykhailenko, scientific leader of AMBEC project. Application of AMBEC methodology will help Safran to cut time and efforts required for design and development of innovative compact bearing chambers and ensure reliable operation of bearings in hot environment at lower oil and secondary air flow rates.
Firstly, it will make a positive influence on overall engine development costs and lead time, thus contributing to strengthening European engine manufacturers’ competitiveness at global market. Secondly, less intensive operation of oil pumps will result in lower engine fuel consumption rate and less environmental impact in terms of ŃÎ2 and NOx emissions. In this way, the AMBEC project outputs will contribute to achievement of UHPE objective as for up to 23% of CO2 emission reduction vs. 2000 aircraft.
“We were looking for partners with strong background in design of complex test rigs for aeronautics associated to high level modelling skills and who will bring their own knowledge and vision to find the best solution. We expect good dynamics and progress in cooperation with Ukrainian team” said Dominik Igel, AMBEC project Topic Manager, Cleansky2 WP2 leader, Safran Aircraft Engines. On the other hand, Ukrainian aeronautic community is willing to join European industry-driven research programme and to share its competencies for the purposes of cross-fertilization, facilitation of research and boost of innovations.
“We believe that AMBEC, the first Ukrainian Clean Sky 2 project, will lay the basis of long-term mutually-beneficial cooperation between European and Ukrainian aeronautic communities in the frame of Clean Sky 2 programme and beyond.” Mykola Lubiv, AMBEC project Coordinator, Senior Deputy Executive Director, STCU