STCU News and Announcements
STCU participated in the 15th International Conference “Trends in NanoTechnology” TNT 2014
283/49627 Oct 2014 - 31 Oct 2014

On 27-31 October, 2014 the 15th International Conference “Trends in NanoTechnology” was held in Barcelona, Spain. TNT is now one of the premier European conferences devoted to nanoscale science and technology.
The high-level scientific meetings aims to present a broad range of current research in Nanoscience and nanotechnology worldwide, as well as initiatives such as MANA/NIMS, CIC nanoGUNE, IBEC, DIPC, etc. TNT events have demonstrated that they are particularly effective in transmitting information and promoting interaction and new contacts among workers in this field. Furthermore, this event offers visitors, exhibitors and sponsors an ideal opportunity to interact with each other.
In the frames of the Conference was an exhibition of modern equipment for a detailed investigation of nanostructures. The following exhibitors were presented: RAITH Nanofabrication, ScienTec Iberica, KEYSIGHT Technologies, WITec focus innovations, LOT Quantum Design, ALAVA Ingenieros, OXFORD Instruments, PHANTOMS Foundation.
The STCU Nano and Materials Science Specialist Mrs. Svitlana Us made a poster presentation “Science and Technology Center in Ukraine – 19 Years of Successful Cooperation in R&D Projects” to share the STCU experience in implementation of materials science related projects, including a partner projects within the framework of European Programme FP 7. Mrs.Us also highlighted STCU partner activities and advantages for potential foreign partners in making joint researches with the Ukrainian scientists.