STCU News and Announcements
Regional Workshop on National Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention for Eastern Europe
252/49618 Jun 2013

On 27-29 May, 2013 the Regional Workshop on National Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention for Eastern Europe was organized in Kyiv by United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), EU Delegation to Ukraine and Ukrainian Biosafety Association. The STCU delegation leaded by the STCU DED (EU) Mr. Michel Zayet and included SS Dr. Vlada Pashynska and SS Ms. Elena Shelest took an active part in the Workshop work and discussions. The Workshop was aimed at sharing the national experience in implementation of the Biological Weapon Convention and some new international agreements in Biosafety&Biosecurity (B&B) area, such as United Nations Security Resolution 1540, CBRN Centers of Excellence programme, International Health Regulations, etc. between the Eastern Europe countries delegations (Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and Ukraine). The STCU DED Mr. Michel Zayet has presented the plenary report “STCU Experience in the Conversion of Former Weapon Scientists in the Biosafety Area”. The report offered a comprehensive information about the projects and activities of the STCU in Bio-science area and recent efforts in B&B, including the EU supported STCU project “Biosafety and Biosecurity Improvement at the Ukrainian Anti-plague Station in Simferopol”, which particularly aimed at real contribution to the full implementation of Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention in Ukraine by securing existing UAPS facility, building a new UAPS facility according to the modern B&B standards and providing adequate UAPS staff training.
During the Workshop Round tables devoted to laboratory safety and security measures, S&T benefits and risks, risk management, national and regional preparedness in the area of B&B the STCU has been presented as the real instrument for realization of the projects related to the implementation of BWCC items in Ukraine, Moldova , Georgia and Azerbaijan.