STCU News and Announcements
The 14th Annual Conference of the European Biosafety Association
215/49613 Apr 2011 - 15 Apr 2011

On 13-15 April, 2011 a STCU-sponsored delegation of the Ukrainian bioexperts participated in the 14th Annual Conference of the European Biosafety Association, held in Estoril, Portugal. The STCU delegation consisted of the specialists of advanced Ukrainian institutions working with especially dangerous pathogens, in particular Ukrainian Anti-Plague Station (Simferopol), Ukrainian Anti-Plague Research Institute (Odessa), Central Sanitary-Epidemiological Station of the MOH of Ukraine (Kiev). Oral and poster presentations of the STCU delegation participants demonstrated the achievements of the STCU projects in the area of biosafety and biosecurity.
The participants from the Ukrainian Anti-Plague Station (UAPS) in Simferopol have presented a poster “System of biological safety in Ukrainian Anti-Plague Station” related to the project “Biosafety and biosecurity improvement at the UAPS in Simferopol” that is planned to be funded by EU through the STCU. A number of collaborative contacts of Simferopol specialists with foreign biosafety experts have been established with the purpose of the following training of UAPS staff in the advanced EU laboratories.
The oral presentation “Implementation of the Laboratory Biorisk Management Standard CWA 15793:2008 in the EDI laboratory of the Central SES of the MOH of Ukraine” has been reported by the Manager of the STCU project 5139 Nataliya Vydayko. This project supported by the DFAIT of Canada and aimed at the implementation of international biosafety standards in Ukrainian biofacilities.
The scientists from UAPRI (Odessa) have presented the new Training Centre on Biosafety created on the basis of Odessa institute in the framework of the STCU project 4440. The poster of UAPRI specialists has been honoured among three best posters of the conference.