STCU News and Announcements
STCU Participates in FISA 2009
187/49623 Jul 2009 - 31 Jul 2009

On 22-23 June, STCU participated for the first time in FISA 2009 (Prague, the Czech Republic). FISA 2009 is the seventh in a series of international conferences on EU research and training in nuclear reactor systems organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research. The STCU delegation (M. Zayet, V.Stepanenko, E.Shelest,) and 9 Ukrainian scientists from Kyiv, Lviv and Kharkiv took part in the plenary sessions of and in post-FISA topical seminars. The STCU delegation prepared 5 posters presenting targeted research achievements of Ukrainian scientific organizations. STCU’s sister center, the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC, Moscow) also participated in this event.
Mr. Victor Stepanenko (Head of STCU’s Kharkiv Regional Office) presented an overview on experiences and future perspectives for the cooperation between EU and Ukrainian scientists through STCU. Emphasis was put on STCU’s Targeted R&D Initiatives Program as a way for co-funding scientific projects by Western and ex-Soviet countries on an equal basis. New possibilities through the STCU Partners Program, were also underlined. A proposal for joint cooperation between EURATOM and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with STCU participation (in the form of a new Targeted Initiative call for proposals) was formulated.