STCU News and Announcements
STCU 22nd Governing Board Joint Statement
107/49618 May 2006

The Twenty Second Meeting of the Governing Board of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) convened on May 18th, 2006 in Kyiv, Ukraine; approving over $9.6 million and ˆ2.2 million in science research projects. These include twenty-four (24) new regular, government funded scientific projects for a total of $1,953,497 and ˆ2,124,820; twenty-two (22) new Partner Projects valued at $5,804,742 and ˆ108,520; and thirteen (13) Partner Project contract extensions valued at $1,855,399 and ˆ11,243.
The STCU is an intergovernmental, non-profit organization created with the goal of aiding unemployed or underemployed scientists in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Uzbekinstan who previously worked on the development of weapons of mass destruction for the Soviet Union.
The STCU was created and is governed by the "Agreement to Establish a Science and Technology Center in Ukraine", originally signed by Canada, Sweden, Ukraine and the United States. Subsequently, Sweden was replaced by the European Union; Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Uzbekistan have also acceded to the agreement. The STCU finances projects that redirect the know how of the scientists, who were formerly involved in military programs, into peaceful sustainable civilian applications. Other than government funded projects, the STCU also works in a number of other spheres of activity: Matchmaking; Promotional Missions; Seminars and Workshops; Partnership Projects; Travel Grants; and Patent Support.
The STCU and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) also continued their successful co-funding arrangement of jointly selected science projects. This unique arrangement, called Targeted Initiatives, demonstrates the equal partnership and mutual benefits of the STCU and Ukrainian cooperation, and STCU and NASU plan to continue this current effort while STCU develops other co-funding possibilities in the future.
The STCU Governing Board meets on a semi-annual basis in order to determine the Center’s policies and funding for scientific projects. The STCU Secretariat, located in Kyiv, Ukraine, is the main body responsible for fulfilling STCU decisions and policies on a daily basis.
The total funding to date including all twenty-two (22) STCU Governing Boards stands at approximately $142.6 million, with the donor countries contributing the following amounts: Canada - $3.3m, U.S.A.- $73.0m, European Union - $25.4m (ˆ21.5m), Non-Government Partners Sector - $14.0m, Government Partners Sector - $25.9m and Other (Japan, CERN) - $1.0m.
The STCU provided the Ambassadors of Azerbaijan, of Georgia, of Uzbekistan, and of Moldova to Ukraine with the press-release approved at the 22nd Governing Board Meeting.
Funding Table
Press Release
Records of Decision