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Technology Transfer Information

I - How to present a Technology?

Please download the TPF instruction sheet (in 3 languages, EN - UA - RU) to familiarize yourself with the recommended contents.

See also the model PowerPoint presentation developed to help you present the commercial potential of your technology.

  • Commercial Presentation of a Technology (in PowerPoint format)

II - Technology Transfer and Commercialization Training Material

Read about Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Technologies experiences from the following downloadable presentations.

October 2006, "From Science to Business" Workshop Presentations

III - External Links

Association of European Science & Technology Transfer Professionals (ASTP) http://www.astp.net/ With the field of technology transfer growing rapidly, European Professionals in Transfer of Science & Technology have had an increasing need for a platform to meet and share experiences on a regular basis. The initiative of a multinational group of professionals resulted in the establishment of the non-profit Association of European Science & Technology Transfer Professionals on 31st of December 1999.The mission of ASTP is to professionalise and promote technology and knowledge transfer between the European science base and industry.
Tech Transfer webpage from the ASTP http://wiki.astp.net/ The objective of this collaborative space is to create an interactive map and discussion about the european landscape of technology transfer.
The Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) http://www.autm.net/ AUTM's Mission is to promote, support and improve academic technology transfer worldwide and demonstrate its benefits globally through education, advocacy, networking and communication.
AUTM's global network of members represent more than 350 universities, research institutions, teaching hospitals and government agencies as well as hundreds of companies involved with managing and licensing innovations derived from academic and nonprofit research.
National Technology Transfer Center (NTTC) http://www.nttc.edu Established by Congress in 1989, the Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center (NTTC) strengthens the competitiveness of U.S. industry by providing access to federally funded research. The NTTC serves an impressive array of federal agencies and private sector organizations, ranging from small companies to Fortune 500 enterprises.
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