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Wednesday, 26 February 2025

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Developing New Welding Technologies(2/37)

A graduate in welding engineering from Tashkent Polytechnical Institute, Dr. Rustam M. Saidov is a leading expert in the field of researching and developing new welding materials and technologies. He received his PhD from the Kyiv Polytechnical Institute in 1985 for research conducted within the framework of the former weapons scientists or FWS program.
Since the collapse of the USSR, Doctor Saidov has been working as a manager at the Agency for the Promotion of Research and Innovative Projects, known as APRIP. He is engaged in R&D involving new welding products developed from local raw materials in Uzbekistan. The results of this research have been used by businesses in the region that work in welding aluminium alloys on airplanes. Doctor Saidov has published more than 32 scientific papers and holds 25 invention certificates and patents.
These new inventions are protected by five preliminary patents registered in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Moreover, two of them have passed international patenting and one is protected by European and Australian patents. In collaboration with companies from the US, Germany and France, the commercialisation of new welding materials in the American and European markets is now becoming a reality.
In 2000, Doctor Saidov and a group of Uzbek scientists and experts began working on STCU Project NoUzb-27, Development of New Perspective Welding Electrodes on the Basis of Local Ore-Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The purpose of this project was to develop new, inexpensive, domestically-produced, export-oriented, welding electrodes from local ore-mineral raw materials. There is no similar research anywhere in the world, since these new coatings were developed from raw materials found in Uzbekistan.
As a result of this research, compounds for acid, basic and ilmenite-type electrode coatings have been developed from local raw materials. Three invention certificates were granted by Uzbekistan's Patent Office for coatings for welding electrodes: STCU-Acid, STCU-Universal and STCU-Basic. These new welding electrodes have passed testing and industrial probing at the Chkalov Tashkent Aircraft Joint Stock Company and at MB Industries, Inc., Wapakoneta, Ohio, USA, for their conformity to all USS 9467-75 and USA-AWS A5.1 norms. The technological terms were published and registered on June 28, 2002 in UzGosStandart for the manufacturing and application of new welding electrodes.
A new joint Uzbek-Ukrainian project is being proposed as a follow-up to Project NoUZB-27. The purpose of this new project is to research, elaborate and develop ore-mineral raw materials and industrial waste products from Uzbekistan for the purpose of manufacturing new welding electrodes. Another important objective of this project is to intensively research regional ore deposits and industrial wastes, and enhance the industrial manufacturing of newly developed electrodes from raw materials in Uzbekistan for the foreign and domestic markets.

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