Success Stories
The first STCU project in Moldova commenced in 2006 and involves development of advanced information tools to assist in medical imaging diagnostics and diagnoses. STCU Project #4035 was financed by EU for EURO 173,000. In order to obtain quick and correct information about specific diseases the project develops a unified diagnostic system that allows image storing and providing image annotation information based on medical records and medical descriptions. This guides ultrasound device operators to narrow and justify their medical diagnosis. The approach encompasses: medical descriptions, pathologies, and anomalies of the organs; knowledge acquisition methods based on ultrasound investigations characteristics; diagnostics validation tool; image clustering and fuzzy processing algorithms; database model for medical images, including annotations and “fuzzy” information storing; quick database searching algorithms; knowledge database; an ergonomic and user friendly interface. The proposed informational tools aim to offer combined solutions based on image classification and rules-based decision making.
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