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Thursday, 13 March 2025

Success Stories

Europium Technology for Sanitizing Medical Products and Improving Food Safety(19/37)

The medical industry demands the utmost in protection against infection from use of unsanitary medical products. Because of these needs, gamma processing has become the standard sterilization process as the final absolute step in the manufacturing of a variety of medical supplies, biomedicals, and many other types of medical devices. Improving the safety of food is a top priority for everyone. The market for microbial reduction services in the medical, consumer products, and food areas is growing rapidly and will continue to do so over the next decade.

New Horizon Technologies, a US company, and Gammatech Plus, a joint Ukrainian/Russian company, are bringing a new technology to the market based upon europium gamma sources for sanitizing medical products and improving food safety. This initiative was financed by the U.S. Department of Energy's Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention program through two projects: STCU Partnership Project P-095 and ISTC Partner Project 2376, and technically monitored by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the United States. Thanks to these projects the accepted standard process in Western Europe and the U.S. will be available in Ukraine. Completion and operation of the Kharkiv Europium Commercial Plant will provide a unique opportunity for a very worthy contribution to health and welfare brought to biomedical and medical product manufactures of Ukraine and those interested in selling products into the Ukrainian market. Other benefits include providing jobs and converting Europium to beneficial use, which otherwise is a waste and a security issue. The commercial partners in the Europium project are presently approaching international financial organizations concerning support for the next stage of this program.

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