Board 9, December 15, 1999
Joint Statement
The ninth meeting of the Governing Board of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) was convened in Kyiv on December 15, 1999. Since 1995, the STCU has funded peaceful scientific research and development projects proposed by scientists and engineers from former Soviet weapons of mass destruction programs. At the meeting, the Governing Board approved USD $4.35 million in new STCU projects to be funded by Canada, the European Union, and the United States. The projects will be carried out in Ukraine and in the republics of Georgia and Uzbekistan.
The 30 new projects will engage the expertise of 545 scientists, the majority of whom have special weapons expertise. The projects cover the technical areas of materials science, X-ray detection, solar-cells, cancer research, radioactive waste disposal, research on industrial steel production and welding, and high energy physics research. They will be carried out in a number of cities across Ukraine, including: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dniepropetrovsk, Lviv, Odessa, Chemivtsy, and in Tbilisi, Georgia and Tashkent, Uzbekistan. In addition to projects funded by the STCU Parties, the Board approved 7 new projects valued at USD $387,000 that are fully funded by STCU Partner organizations. The Board also acknowledged the following organizations as new STCU Partners: Solanum PEI Inc. (Canada); Orenda Aerospace Corp. (Canada); II Systems (Canada); E.O. Paton International Holdings (Canada); TIMET Corp, (USA) and Max Planck Institute (Germany). In addition, the Board confirmed the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development as a United States Government Partner.
In other project related discussions, the Secretariat provided the Board updates on previously funded projects and the results they have achieved. The STCU has assisted a number of completed projects in patent application and has developed procedures to facilitate the dissemination of the project results, including training, networking and business plan development. The Board confirmed that these activities are essential to achieving the STCU objectives and should be continued.
The Governing Board noted with satisfaction that the Government of Ukraine has completed the procedures to accredit the STCU as an international organization in Ukraine. The Board also approved the establishment of a branch office in Tbilisi, Georgia, jointly supported by the STCU and the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) in Moscow, as well as the establishment of a STCU Information Office in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The Board commended the STCU staff for its dedication in facilitating over USD $2.1 million in projects intended to help Ukraine's nuclear power plants address Y2K-related issues. These special funds were provided by Canada, the EU and the United States over the last 6 months..
Members of the Canadian, EU and U.S. delegations also visited the Institute ofSuperhard Materials, the State Science Production Center "OBRIY" and the Chemobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
Board 9, December 15, 1999

GBM Documents
1995: GBM01 | 2000: GBM10 GBM11 | 2005: GBM20 GBM21 | 2010: GBM30 GBM31 | 2015: GBM40 GBM41 |
1996: GBM02 GBM03 | 2001: GBM12 GBM13 | 2006: GBM22 GBM23 | 2011: GBM32 GBM33 | 2016: GBM42 |
1997: GBM04 GBM05 | 2002: GBM14 GBM15 | 2007: GBM24 GBM25 | 2012: GBM34 GBM35 | |
1998: GBM06 GBM07 | 2003: GBM16 GBM17 | 2008: GBM26 GBM27 | 2013: GBM36 GBM37 | |
1999: GBM08 GBM09 | 2004: GBM18 GBM19* | 2009: GBM28GBM29 | 2014: GBM38 GBM39 |
* took place in February 2005