Board 16, June 12, 2003
Joint Statement
The Sixteenth Meeting of the Governing Board of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) convened on June 12, 2003 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, approving 40 new regular, government funded scientific projects for a total of $4.1 million and Euro 1.5 million. The Governing Board also confirmed 12 new Partner Projects valued at $3.2 million and Euro 30,700, and confirmed 7 Partner Project contract extensions valued at $758,000 and Euro 265,000.
The STCU is an intergovernmental, non-profit organization created with the goal of aiding unemployed or underemployed scientists previously working on the development of weapons of mass destruction. It was created and is governed by the 'Agreement to Establish a Science and Technology Center in Ukraine', originally signed by Canada, Sweden, Ukraine and the United States. Subsequently, Sweden was replaced by the European Union; Azerbaijan, Georgia and Uzbekistan have also acceded to the agreement. The STCU finances projects, which convert the know-how of the scientists of the recipient states; who were formally involved in military programs, into peaceful civilian applications. Other than government funded projects, the STCU also works in a number of other spheres of activity: Matchmaking; Promotional Missions; Seminars and Workshops; Partnership Projects; Travel Grants; and Patent Support.
The STCU Governing Board meets on a semi-annual basis in order to determine the Center's policies and funding for scientific projects. The STCU Secretariat, located in Kyiv, Ukraine, is the main body responsible for fulfilling STCU decisions and policies on a daily basis. This year, the 16th Governing Board meeting took place in Samarkand; this is the first time the Board has ever met outside of Kiev.
From 1995-2003, the STCU donors committed to projects the following funds $74.2 million and Euro 8.4 million:
In 1997, the Government of Uzbekistan acceded to the STCU Agreement; and the STCU Information Office opened in Tashkent in February, 2002. Prior to the 16th Governing Board Meeting, there were 35 regular projects and 2 partner projects funded in Uzbekistan. The total amount of funding for all Uzbekistan projects up to this date was $5.7 million and Euro 385,000. The 16th Governing Board meeting in Samarkand approved 10 new regular projects totaling $1.6 million and Euro 472,000 and 5 new partner projects for Uzbekistan totaling $1.5 million.
This brings the total activity in Uzbekistan to date to the following.- Number of Regular Projects (non-private sector funds):- 45 Projects
- Number of Partner Projects (non-funding party funds):- 7 Projects
- Total Funds approved to date:- $8.8 million and Euro 857,000 (almost $10million USD).
Board 16, June 12, 2003

Accession of Azerbaijan Status Report
Accession of Moldova Status Report
Funding Table
Management Letter
Press Release
Record of Decisions
Uzbekistan Fact Sheet
GBM Documents
1995: GBM01 | 2000: GBM10 GBM11 | 2005: GBM20 GBM21 | 2010: GBM30 GBM31 | 2015: GBM40 GBM41 |
1996: GBM02 GBM03 | 2001: GBM12 GBM13 | 2006: GBM22 GBM23 | 2011: GBM32 GBM33 | 2016: GBM42 |
1997: GBM04 GBM05 | 2002: GBM14 GBM15 | 2007: GBM24 GBM25 | 2012: GBM34 GBM35 | |
1998: GBM06 GBM07 | 2003: GBM16 GBM17 | 2008: GBM26 GBM27 | 2013: GBM36 GBM37 | |
1999: GBM08 GBM09 | 2004: GBM18 GBM19* | 2009: GBM28GBM29 | 2014: GBM38 GBM39 |
* took place in February 2005